Smart Forests Technology at Sagehen Experimental Forest
For over fifty years of research, Sagehen has accumulated massive amounts of data, which contributes to its value for research. Much of this data is digital and available by going to the UC Berkeley, Sagehen Creek station’s website.
Six automated weather stations record a host of meteorological variables along a transect from the Lower Camp to the upper ridgeline, documenting how the basin’s weather varies with altitude. At the Lower Camp weather station, daily weather records date back to 1953, which you can buy from the National Climate Data Center.
Snow telemetry (SNOTEL) records dating from 1978 are available from an automated remote sensing site on Carpenter Ridge operated by the National Water and Climate Center. Snow Survey records are also available from the same location from 1937-1994. Since 2001, Sagehen Creek Field Station has monitored the chemistry of precipitation and dry deposition as part of US EPA’s nationwide National Atmospheric Deposition Program. In 2005, Sagehen Creek Field Station installed 2 more snowmelt pans to measure how much precipitation falls as snow above the Lower Camp.
Because Sagehen Creek is part of the Hydrology Benchmark Network, USGS has measured stream flow since October 1953 and water quality since 1968. In 2003, USGS installed a satellite uplink so these data are now available in real time. Water temperature is measured in several sites along Sagehen Creek and its tributaries. Groundwater depth and temperature are also measured in a few places. Other routinely collected data include daily satellite imagery, seismic activity, and three transects of tree sap flow data.

Location of automated environmental sensors, computerized database systems and wireless Internet in the Sagehen Creek Basin
Real-Time Data for Sagehen Experimental Forest…
Fish Observation at the Sagehen Experimental Forest in California…