Site.Name | Wildlife | Taxa | Data.Types | Initial.Collections | EndDate | Temporal.Resolution | Digital.Format | Online | Other |
Alum Creek EF | Yes | Bats; Birds; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; |
1990 - 1999 | Ongoing | Annually or coarser; |
Yes | not available online; |
Argonne EF | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; |
Not sure; |
1980 - 1989 | 2000 - 2009 | once for specific studies; |
No | Collaborators have collected wildlife data. I don't believe we have wildlife data in the archive. | |
Baltimore | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; |
2000 - 2009 | Ongoing | Annually or coarser; |
Yes | NSF Environmental Data Initiative; |
Bartlett EF | Yes | Meso-carnivores/amphibians/reptiles; Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; |
1980 - 1989 | Ongoing | Weekly; Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
No | ||
Bent Creek EF | Yes | Birds; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species-habitat relationships; |
1990 - 1999 | 2015 - 2019 | Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
Yes | not available online; |
Big Falls EF | No | ||||||||
Black Hills EF | No | ||||||||
Blacks Mountain EF | Yes | Birds; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; |
1990 - 1999 | 2000 - 2009 | Daily; |
Yes | not available online; |
Blue Valley EF | No | ||||||||
Boise Basin EF | Yes | Birds; |
Species occurence/abundance; |
2010 - 2014 | Ongoing | Seasonally; |
Yes | not available online; |
just the data I referred to above, it was collected by NFS on flammulated owls and goshawks |
Bonanza Creek EF | Yes | Large mammals; Small mammals; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; |
1980 - 1989 | Ongoing | Seasonally; |
Yes | lter.uaf.edu/data; |
Calhoun EF | Unknown | ||||||||
Caribou-Poker Creek RW | No | ||||||||
Cascade Head EF | Yes | Small mammals; Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; |
2010 - 2014 | 2015 - 2019 | Daily; |
Yes | not available online; |
Caspar Creek EW | Yes | Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; Migration phenology; Local movements; |
1970 - 1979 | Ongoing | Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
Some | Data are mostly collected by partners (CDFW; ) |
Challenge EF | No | ||||||||
Chipola EF | Unknown | ||||||||
Coram EF | Yes | Birds; Small mammals; |
Species occurence/abundance; |
1970 - 1979 | 2000 - 2009 | unknown; |
No | wildlife data has been collected, but summary of historical inventory is not easily available | |
Coulee EF | No | ||||||||
Coweeta Hydrologic Lab | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; |
1980 - 1989 | Ongoing | Daily; Weekly; Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
Some | https://coweeta.uga.edu/datacatalog; not available online; |
Crossett EF | Yes | Birds; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species occurence/abundance; |
Unknown | Unknown | Not sure...; |
Some | not available online; |
Hard to say; most of this wildlife data were collected by university cooperators years ago, and we don't have good records for their results. Some may also have been taken by the Ouachita National Forest as a part of their monitoring of red-cockaded woodpeckers, but can't be sure on the status of that data. |
Cutfoot EF | Yes | Birds; Small mammals; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; |
2015 - 2019 | Ongoing | Seasonally; |
No | ||
Deception Creek EF | No | ||||||||
Delta EF | No | ||||||||
Desert ER | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; |
Species-habitat relationships; |
1970 - 1979 | 1980 - 1989 | I am not sure.; |
No | ||
Dukes EF | Unknown | ||||||||
Entiat EF | No | ||||||||
Escambia EF | Yes | Small mammals; |
Species occurence/abundance; |
No | We will be starting a seed movement study this spring. I am unaware of the dates of the previous wildlife research. | ||||
Estate Thomas EF | No | ||||||||
Fernow EF | Yes | amphibians; Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1990 - 1999 | 2000 - 2009 | Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
No | missing some metadata | |
Fort Valley EF | No | ||||||||
Fraser EF | Unknown | ||||||||
Glacier Lake Ecosystem ES | No | ||||||||
Great Basin ER | No | ||||||||
H. J. Andrews EF | Yes | Birds; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Migration phenology; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1980 - 1989 | Ongoing | Sub-daily; Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
Yes | https://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/data; NSF Environmental Data Initiative; |
Harrison EF | Yes | frogs and turtles; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1990 - 1999 | Ongoing | Weekly; |
Some | not available online; |
These data are collected from the DeSoto RD immediately adjacent to the Harrison EF. Researchers often stay in the HEF's quarters and use lab space. The studies and monitoring are funded by USFWS. Contact Chuck Burdine. |
Hawaii Tropical EF | No | ||||||||
Heen Latinee EF | No | ||||||||
Henry R. Koen EF | No | ||||||||
Hitchiti EF | Unknown | ||||||||
Howland | No | ||||||||
Hubbard Brook EF | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Time/energy budgets; Migration phenology; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1960 - 1969 | Ongoing | Sub-daily; Daily; Weekly; Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
Some | https://hubbardbrook.org/d/hubbard-brook-data-catalog; not available online; NSF Environmental Data Initiative; |
Kane EF | No | ||||||||
Kaskaskia EF | No | ||||||||
Kawishiwi EF | No | ||||||||
Long Valley EF | Yes | Small mammals; |
Species occurence/abundance; |
2010 - 2014 | 2010 - 2014 | Weekly; |
No | ||
Lower Peninsula EF | Unknown | ||||||||
Luquillo EF | Yes | amphibians, reptiles; Birds; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); Fish; |
all depending on species; Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Time/energy budgets; Migration phenology; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
Prior to 1940 | 2015 - 2019 | depending on species; Sub-daily; Daily; Weekly; Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
Some | IITF GIS lab upon request; NSF Environmental Data Initiative; |
Some wildlife data gathered by National Forest biologists, technicians - parrots, shrimp, fish, frogs |
Manitou EF | Yes | Birds; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Migration phenology; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1970 - 1979 | Ongoing | Daily; Weekly; Seasonally; |
Some | not available online; |
Wildlife data are flammulated owl data collected by Brian Linkhart at Colorado College. |
Marcell EF | No | ||||||||
Massabesic EF | Yes | Meso-carnivores, amphibians, reptiles, ; Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1980 - 1989 | Ongoing | Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
No | MEF cooperators conduct particular studies; ; collect data of particular interest to their study objectives; ME IFWL surveys for state T&E species as needed; UMAINE has conducted salamander and turtle work at MEF. |
Maybeso EF | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1970 - 1979 | 2000 - 2009 | Daily; Seasonally; |
No | Deer surveys, bird surveys, lots of historical fish evaluations | |
North Mountain EF | No | ||||||||
Olustee EF | Yes | Birds; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Nesting start/end times; |
1980 - 1989 | Ongoing | Annually or coarser; |
Some | not available online; |
Some micro-invertebrate and macro-invertebrate work has been done. Also red-cockaded woodpecker monitoring data is collected at the site and resides with the District. |
Olympic Exp. State Forest | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Time/energy budgets; Migration phenology; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1970 - 1979 | Ongoing | Sub-daily; Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
Some | not available online; |
Acoustic monitoring data have been collected at more than 100 sites since 2020. The audio files are analyzed for presence/absence of indicator bird species but can be analyzed for other bird species or other vocalizing wildlife. |
Palustris EF | No | ||||||||
Paoli EF | No | ||||||||
Penobscot EF | Yes | Birds; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Genetics, diet; Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; |
1980 - 1989 | Ongoing | Unknown; |
No | Data collected by cooperators at this time. Specifics and availability unknown. | |
Pike Bay EF | No | ||||||||
Priest River EF | No | ||||||||
Pringle Falls EF | Yes | Birds; Small mammals; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; |
2010 - 2014 | Ongoing | Annually or coarser; |
Some | not available online; |
Redwood EF | Yes | herps/amphians/reptiles; Birds; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); Fish; |
genetic/species; Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1970 - 1979 | 2000 - 2009 | Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
Yes | not available online; |
Initially in the 1960s to 1990s wildlife/birds, and then in the early 2000s amphibians, and with the discovery of an canopy specific salamander. Other invert/insect-mollusk studies have been conducted. |
Rhineland EF | No | ||||||||
Sagehen EF | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; |
1950 - 1959 | Ongoing | Sub-daily; Daily; Weekly; Annually or coarser; |
Some | Sagehen website; |
old calhoun data, current 30 unbaited camera traps, PSW - small mammal trapping |
San Dimas EF | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species occurence/abundance; |
1990 - 1999 | Ongoing | Seasonally; |
Some | not available online; |
Santee EF | Yes | Birds; Fish; |
Species occurence/abundance; Nesting start/end times; |
1980 - 1989 | Ongoing | Annually or coarser; |
Yes | not available online; |
Scull Shoals EF | Yes | Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species occurence/abundance; |
2000 - 2009 | Ongoing | Annually or coarser; |
No | These data are summarized in peer-reviewed publications | |
Sierra Ancha ER | Yes | Small mammals; |
Species-habitat relationships; |
1980 - 1989 | 1980 - 1989 | Seasonally; |
No | The RMRS has collected some limited wildlife data at SAEF, a pocket gopher study in the 1980s comes to mind. However, other agencies including the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Tonto National Forest and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have collected more extensive data due to the high biodiversity at the site and the residence of some T&E species within the EF boundary. | |
Silas Little EF | Yes | Large mammals; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; |
2000 - 2009 | Ongoing | Annually or coarser; |
Some | Mostly through collaborators/other researchers; |
Some census of wildlife vectors for ticks (2 years), various years of lizard census data, some census data for Southern Pine Beetle. Most of these data are with other researchers, but could be available with some effort. |
Sinkin EF | Yes | salamanders; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; |
2010 - 2014 | 2015 - 2019 | Weekly; |
No | N/A | |
South Umpqua EF | No | ||||||||
Stanislaus‑Tuolumne EF | Yes | Birds; Small mammals; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Local movements; |
2000 - 2009 | 2015 - 2019 | Daily; |
Yes | not available online; |
Starkey EF&R | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); Fish; |
Many other datasets associated with individual research projects; Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Time/energy budgets; Local movements; |
1940 - 1949 | Ongoing | Sub-daily; Daily; Weekly; Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
Some | Other data sharing websites (e.g. Dryad); Forest Service Research Data Archive; |
Stephen F. Austin EF | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Time/energy budgets; Migration phenology; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1960 - 1969 | Ongoing | Sub-daily; Daily; Weekly; Seasonally; Annually or coarser; |
Yes | not available online; |
Swain Mountain EF | No | ||||||||
Sylamore EF | Unknown | ||||||||
Tallahatchie EF | No | ||||||||
Teakettle EF | No | ||||||||
Udell EF | Unknown | ||||||||
Vinton Furnace EF | Yes | Birds; Large mammals; Small mammals; |
Species occurence/abundance; Species-habitat relationships; Time/energy budgets; Local movements; Nesting start/end times; |
1990 - 1999 | Ongoing | Daily; |
Some | not available online; |
Wildlife data have been collected mostly by University cooperators; archived data (when available) are maintained by these cooperators |
Wind River EF | Yes | salamanders; Birds; Small mammals; Invertebrates (micro and/or macro); |
Species occurence/abundance; Local movements; |
1990 - 1999 | 2015 - 2019 | Seasonally; |
No |