Data Dashboard– A data dashboard is under construction to bring all SmartForest data into a single access portal
Experimental Forests and Rangelands Data Explorer: The data in these tables were provided by the USDA Forest Service Experimental Forest and Ranges based on a survey conducted in early 2020. The entries provide insight on the types and extent of data being collected across the EFR network, as well as guides to online data archives.
Waterviz – Live-streaming data power this animation. WaterViz accurately reflects water moving through a small forested watershed in New Hampshire, right now.
PnET Model Output (Primary Productivity) – PnET model output – Gridded data for the Northeast from a NOAA forecast model, runs the PnET-Day model to provide an hourly view of Primary Productivity throughout the Northeast. Visit the website for a fully interactive view of PnET GPP, or watch a quick clip of 2018 here: